Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL)

Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) is a pathway for high-ability students which aims to challenge and offer opportunities to grow.

Doncaster Secondary College offers a SEAL program for students who are enrolled in Year 7 to Year 9. In Junior school, our Year 7 and Year 8 SEAL classes explore the Victorian Curriculum while engaging in high-order thinking skills, inquiry-based learning, community-based projects and leadership opportunities. In Year 9, SEAL students complete core subjects together but mix with mainstream students in their electives. In Year 10, SEAL students with consistently high results will be considered for Extension Math and/or Extension English classes.

Advantages to the program are:

  • Students are challenged in their learning and are therefore more motivated and productive in class.
  • Students can study their subjects in more depth.
  • Students will enter VCE with advanced skills.
  • High performing students have the opportunity to undertake an expanded VCE program, depending on academic requirements and subject availability.
  • VCE Advancement in Year 10 allows students to complete a greater number and range of VCE subjects by the end of Year 12. The extra subjects attract a 10% bonus in the calculation of the ATAR score.
  • Year 12 students who are completing a three-year VCE, may also study a university-enhancement subject in their final year. This provides extra credit for their ATAR, and assists in preparing students for tertiary studies.

Application to the SEAL program

Doncaster Secondary College will be hosting a SEAL Program Information Night on Tuesday 20th August, 5:30pm – 6:45pm.

Further information regarding the SEAL application process for Year 7 2025 families will be provided in the Year 7 Transition Book which will be emailed to families once a student’s enrolment is confirmed.

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