Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion

Doncaster Secondary College begins it’s roll out of Disability Inclusion for students in 2025. This program will replace the current Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). We will continue to support students who are eligible for access to both these programs until the formal conclusion of PSD.

Disability Inclusion is a way to improve delivery of education for learners who require different modes of delivery. Disability Inclusion focuses on three different areas to improve learning outcomes for students:

  • a new tiered model of funding,
  • a strength based approach for students with a disability, and
  • professional learning and workforce growth with specialist allied health teams.

Our Disability Inclusion team is supported by the Assistant Principal (Wellbeing), the Excellence in Teaching and Learning Leader (Junior School), and a Disability Inclusion Administration Coordinator.

The Disability Inclusion team is equipped with a broad range of knowledge of the strategies, resources and tools that can be used to enable students with disabilities perform at their best.

We value the support of families and twice per year involve our families through Student Support Group meetings to develop Individual Education Plans and Behaviour Support Plans which ensures that all teachers are able meet a child with a disability at their point of learning need. 

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