How to Enrol

For all enrolment enquiries, please contact the school office on 03 9848 4677 or email

Doncaster Secondary College is a zoned school with a designated neighbourhood boundary. As demand for places at our College is high, evidence of residency within the designated boundary is required from students wishing to attend the College.

We aim to accommodate all families living within the boundary and have clearly defined enrolment guidelines to ensure the process is streamlined and consistent with Government legislation.

Doncaster Secondary College follows the Enrolment Policy and Placement Policy, as outlined by the Victorian Department of Education.

Designated Neighbourhood Boundary

Doncaster Secondary College’s school zone is available on, which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2022 onwards. Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address. The Department provides guidance through the School Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.

If you have a question about school zones, call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email Please contact the school prior to finalising accommodation arrangements within the school zone.

Neighbourhood Boundary Map

Please refer to the Doncaster Secondary College Neighbourhood boundary map.

The student must be living with the parent or guardian* at the permanent address or spend a substantial part of their time at that address. The permanent residential address is defined as one where:

  • The home is owned by the parent or guardian
  • The home is under purchase
  • The home is leased from a Registered Estate Agent for a minimum of 12 months from the time a child is to commence

The status of ‘permanent residence’ must be proven to the College’s satisfaction, so evidence of the above will be required to authenticate residence, particularly with regard to leased properties. Other evidence may be required and a home visit may be conducted. Any misleading or inaccurate claims will lead to the application being rejected or withdrawn at a later date.

*A parent/guardian is defined as one who has been legally appointed to take responsibility for the student making the application for enrolment.

Enrolment Criteria

  • Evidence of residency within the designated neighbourhood boundary
  • Date of application
  • Year level vacancy

Primary schools are responsible for managing the application process in the first instance and will distribute forms for parents to complete.

If you would like your son or daughter to attend Doncaster Secondary College, it is important to list the College as your first preference.

Positions are allocated according to guidelines issued by the North Eastern Victoria Region. Students are selected to the College according to the following  order:

  1. Students who reside in our local neighbourhood boundary (automatic)
  2. Students who have a sibling claim (where the sibling will continue to be enrolled at the College in the following year and who reside permanently with their sibling)
  3. Proximity to the College

School Zone hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards. Enquiries should be directed to the school office on 03 9848 4677 or email

As a simple guide to parents/carers seeking information on how to enrol their Grade 6 child in a secondary school, the Department of Education and Training (DET) provides government schools with a timeline for the Transition to Year 7 enrolment process:

  1. When your child is in Grade 6, your Primary School will issue the ‘Transition to Year 7’ application form and information at the start of Term 2 of the Grade 6 year.
  2. Parents must complete this form, and then return it to your Primary School, by the due date.
  3. Primary Schools will then forward all applications to the relevant secondary school in accordance with the Department of Education and Training guidelines.
  4. Mid-August is when families will receive notification from the Primary School, advising what secondary school your child has a place at, for the coming year.

Doncaster Secondary College is a zoned school with a designated neighbourhood boundary. As demand for places is high at all year levels, evidence of residency within the designated boundary is required.

We aim to accommodate all families living within the boundary and have clearly defined enrolment guidelines to ensure the process is streamlined and consistent with Government legislation.

Places are offered to those students who move into the area with their parent/s during the school year. If the student already lives in our designated boundary and is attending a school, a place will be offered in the following year/semester. Applications for enrolment for students who live outside our boundary are only offered if there are vacancies.  The number of vacancies varies from year to year and between the year levels. hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.

Enrolment Criteria

  • Evidence of residency within the designated neighbourhood boundary
  • Date of application
  • Year level vacancy

Positions are allocated according to guidelines issued by the North Eastern Victoria Region. Students are selected to the College according to the following  order:

  1. Students who reside in our local neighbourhood boundary (automatic)
  2. Students who have a sibling claim (where the sibling will continue to be enrolled at the College in the following year and who reside permanently with their sibling)
  3. Proximity to the College

Enquiries & Applications

If you have any questions about enrolments, please contact the school office on 03 9848 4677 or email

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