To optimise student learning opportunities and experiences, close attention is also given to the provision of up-to-date facilities at Doncaster Secondary College

For many years, an active building program has been pursued to ensure that student learning takes place in pleasant surroundings with modern buildings purpose-built to complement the learning programs.

Our most recent building components have included:
totally revamped and modernised Year 7 and Year 8 learning centres with flexible learning spaces;
a new Music centre;
a new Instrumental Music centre;
a new Arts area;
new Science rooms;
a new Materials Technology area(i.e. wood and metal);
a new Hospitality area;
a Year 9 precinct in new relocatable classrooms;
a new administration wing with a frontage to the street which is readily accessible; and
significant ground work and landscaping.
These new facilities, together with additional works undertaken in relation to library and student amenities, refurbishment, resurfacing of playing court areas and significant ICT upgrading, place us in an enviable position in relation to what is available to our students. Clearly, we are very pleased and very proud of what Doncaster Secondary College is, and of what it provides our students and our community. These facilities only reinforce this and will provide students with a learning environment that is just fantastic for the foreseeable future.