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Enrolment Process


Enrolment Process

Doncaster Secondary College is a zoned school with a designated neighbourhood boundary. As demand for places at our College is high, evidence of residency within the designated boundary is required from students wishing to attend the College.

We aim to accommodate all families living within the boundary and have clearly defined enrolment guidelines to ensure the process is streamlined and consistent with Government legislation.

Doncaster Secondary College follows the Enrolment Policy and […]



To optimise student learning opportunities and experiences, close attention is also given to the provision of up-to-date facilities at Doncaster Secondary College

For many years, an active building program has been pursued to ensure that student learning takes place in pleasant surroundings with modern buildings purpose-built to complement the learning programs.

Our most recent building components have included:
totally revamped and modernised Year 7 and Year 8 learning centres with flexible learning spaces;
a new Music centre;
a new Instrumental Music centre;
a new Arts area;
new Science rooms;
a new Materials Technology area(i.e. […]



Insiders’ Views – Student Writing About School

Year 7 Reflections

My Camp Reflection by Sarah

Waking up at 7am was not something that I enjoyed. I had trouble sleeping because of some snores. I know that it wasn’t their fault, since I had snored a little bit, too! I got dressed and got ready for breakfast. At 8am, the bell rang so that we could get some breakfast. I had some toast with butter, while I waited for the cereal to be brought […]

Student Voice & Leadership


Student Voice & Leadership

Effective schools build a culture where teachers and students work together, and where student voice, agency and leadership are understood as inter-related factors that contribute to the notion of empowerment and a sense of school pride.

Student Voice and Leadership

At Doncaster Secondary College, student voice is an important part of the day-to-day running of our school. There are various opportunities for student’s to practice their leadership skills, including Class Leaders and our Year 9 […]


Insiders’ Views – Student Writing About School

Year 7 Reflections

My Camp Reflection by Sarah

Waking up at 7am was not something that I enjoyed. I had trouble sleeping because of some snores. I know that it wasn’t their fault, since I had snored a little bit, too! I got dressed and got ready for breakfast. At 8am, the bell rang so that we could get some breakfast. I had some toast with butter, while I waited for the cereal to be brought out. Even though I enjoyed my cereal, I didn’t go up […]

Additional Support


Additional Support

The college offers additional support in literacy and numeracy across a range of year levels.

Students are identified as needing extra support through a variety of ways including: PAT test, on-demand testing, NAPLAN data, semester reports, teacher referrals, feedback and transition information.

Literacy Intervention Programs

Support groups of no more than six students per group for two sessions a week in order to further the development of their literacy skills. Classes cover reading fluency and strategies […]

Principal’s Message


Principal’s Message

At Doncaster Secondary College, our students graduate with a positive outlook and well equipped to make a worthwhile contribution to the community.

Whether you are already part of our college community, a prospective family, or simply interested in finding out more about our College, I hope you will get a sense of just how wonderful our College community is. Selecting a school for your child is an incredibly important decision and I hope our website assists you with […]


College Tours

Our school tours are led by a member of our Principal team and are run during period 1 so that families may see our classrooms in action.

There are currently no school tours scheduled. Please check back here in early Term 3 for our next set of tour dates.


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